Vote Daniel Craig Friend for Utah House!

As I run my race for District 62, one of my greatest pleasures is helping voters like you register to vote or update their voter registration. Every time you move, you need to update your voter registration to your new address. That way, you can be sure that your vote—your voice—is being heard where it counts. Voting where you live is the best way I know of to “Lift where you stand.”

This is especially true if you are a university student! I know sometimes the campus can seem like our world, but the world outside of campus needs YOU—now more than ever. If every BYU and UVU student voted where they lived in Provo, the student vote would decide nearly every election we hold. And it should! Students are the majority, and the majority should rule! Yet far too often we give up our rights by simply not participating. Don’t let that happen in 2022! Students are affected by city decisions on parking and state decisions on school funding every day—and you spend far more days at school in Provo than you do at home on breaks! Your voice should guide these decisions that impact your day-to-day life—but that only happens if you vote.

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